Building Hatch from scratch

Since last century job ads & CVs have led candidates & teams to connect or reject each other based on false impressions & assumptions - preventing people from navigating to fulfilling work.That was the problem Adam (Founder of THE ICONIC) and Chaz (Co-founder of Zip) and I set out to solve when I landed at Hatch on day 1 - to reimagine the way people find meaningful work.

Product strategy
Product design
Hatch's first journey map in Adam's Kitchen
Design workshop for applicant matching MVP

As our product footprint grew I built & lead team of experts in engineering, data science & design to answer the question of how candidate's & teams might more authentically understand their fit before they meet.

I owned the product vision from definition to execution, maintaining a hands on approach to producing polised, empathetic user experiences from conception to launch. Below are the features I lead design post MVP - that have since connected a community of 20K+ candidates with hundreds of top Australian & US employers from QANTAS to Spotify for meaningful work.

Create a role

Every great match starts with well defined requirements. We designed an effortless job creation flow, powered by our work taxonomy to help managers define what they're looking for & generate a job page in minutes.


See beyond the CV

Without many years of experience to go by CVs often fail to differentiate early career candidates - leading hiring managers to miss out on some of the best, diverse talent.

We designed & built a candidate application that brings candidate’s motivation & skills to life with videos and real work examples tailored to the role - helping hiring managers see beyond the CV to identify the best fit candidates for the job.




Applicant review

We designed Applicant review powered by Hatch assessment to save employers countless hours reviewing candidates while reducing bias in selection & giving candidates with diverse experience a fair opportunity.

The matching service, powered by org psych assessors delivers data driven recommendations of the best fit candidates for a role, based on motivation, transferable & technical skills. Managers can save time & direct focus to the highest potential candidates.


I’m incredibly proud of the impact our mission has had on our customers & community, specifically young people:

We built a jobs marketplace that connects thousands of early career candidates to jobs at Australia’s best employers (Westpac, Atlassian, QANTAS, Spotify, Canva) — creating new inroads to high-value digital careers for the next generation - even the one's without uncles in high places.

One of many student workshops